
New education around suicide prevention provides much needed support to Canadian healthcare professionals

TORONTO, July 4, 2017 /CNW/ – The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) and MDBriefCase Group, are pleased to announce a new physician education program designed to support Canadian healthcare professionals in the prevention of suicide.

The one-hour program, entitled Suicide: Facing the difficult topic together – Empowering physicians, instilling hope in patients, was developed by a multi-disciplinary faculty with expertise in medicine, public health and mental health and features videos from survivors of suicide speaking about their experiences. 

“At the Mental Health Commission of Canada we recognize that suicide is a major public health issue requiring a multi-pronged, collaborative approach to prevention” says Louise Bradley, President and CEO of the MHCC.

Research has shown that those who die by suicide frequently had contact with a healthcare provider prior to their death. “Suicide prevention is everyone’s responsibility,” says Julie Campbell, Executive Director of CASP. “It is essential that professionals become pro-active in opening the conversation around suicide to help the people be more comfortable to share those overwhelming feelings and get help as early as possible.”

“It is important to keep up-to-date on the latest information about suicide and its prevention; that is, its risk and protective factors,” adds Dr. Glenn Pearce, a family physician who helped develop the program. Suicide prevention must be integrated into everyday practice and this program gives healthcare professionals some very important tools to do that.

“This module makes an important contribution to the existing suicide prevention efforts in Canada by empowering family physicians to know when and how to have conversations about suicide with their patients,” notes Ms. Bradley.

This course is mobile friendly and is available online free-of-charge. To learn more about this program, visit: https://www.mdbriefcase.com/LandingPage.aspx?pID=16333&switchlanguage=en


  • Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in Canada.
  • Among Canadians aged 10-24, suicide is the second leading cause of death.
  • Many of those who die by suicide had a diagnosable psychiatric illness.
  • Populations at an increased risk of suicide include: many Indigenous communities, youth, the elderly, inmates in correctional facilities, people with a mental illness and those who have experienced a previous suicide attempt.
  • First Nations youth die by suicide about 5-6 times more often than non-Indigenous youth.
  • Suicide rates for Inuit are among the highest in the world (11 times the national average).

Source: http://toronto.cmha.ca/mental_health/suicide-statistics/#.WTf-WevytEY


“At the Mental Health Commission of Canada, we recognize suicide is a major public health issue requiring a multi-pronged, collaborative approach to prevention. We know from research that family physicians often come in contact with those who die by suicide in the months leading up to their death, which means family physicians play a pivotal role in suicide prevention. We see this module as contributing to the many existing suicide prevention efforts in Canada by empowering family physicians to know when and how to have conversations about suicide with their patients.”

–          Louise Bradley, President and CEO, Mental Health Commission of Canada

“It is important to keep up-to-date on the latest information about suicide and its prevention; that is, its risk and protective factors.”

–          Dr. Glenn Pearce, MD, Planning Committee member, Suicide: Facing the difficult topic together – Empowering physicians, instilling hope in patients

“If only a small number of our members are able to use the knowledge they gain through this educational program to feel more comfortable engaging their patients on this sensitive topic, we’ll consider the program a major success.”

–          Kirk Fergusson, Managing Director, MDBriefCase Group Inc.

“Suicide prevention is everyone’s responsibility. It is essential that professionals become pro-active in opening the conversation around suicide to help the people be more comfortable to share those overwhelming feelings and get help as early as possible. Giving physicians the tools to make those conversations happen is a step in right direction for suicide prevention.”

–          Julie K. Campbell, Executive Director, Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention


The Mental Health Commission of Canada is a catalyst for change. We are collaborating with hundreds of partners to change the attitudes of Canadians toward mental health problems and to improve services and support. Our goal is to help people who live with mental health problems and illnesses lead meaningful and productive lives. Together we create change. The Mental Health Commission of Canada is funded by Health Canada.
www.mentalhealthcommission.ca | www.strategy.mentalhealthcommission.ca


MDBriefCase Group specializes in accredited, online continuing professional development (CPD) programs, custom tailored for specific international markets and available on a convenient online platform.

All content is developed by leading specialists and peer-reviewed by experts at respected institutions, which keeps more than 100,000 healthcare practitioners in Canada at the forefront of the latest evidence and protocols worldwide. 


The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) was incorporated in 1985 by a group of professionals who saw the need to provide information and resources to communities to reduce the suicide rate and minimize the harmful consequences of suicidal behaviour.


SOURCE MDBriefCase Group Inc. 

For further information: Media Contacts: Hélène Côté, Senior Communications Advisor, Public Affairs, Mental Health Commission of Canada, Office: 613.683.3952, Mobile: 613.857.0840, hcote@mentalhealthcommission.ca; Kirk Fergusson, Managing Director, Canada & Corporate Services, MDBriefCase, Office: 416.488.5500 ext. 225, Mobile: 905.441.3663, kfergusson@mdbriefcase.com

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