
MDBriefCase Group annonce de nouveaux conseillers experts et transforme sa plateforme de formation numérique

TORONTO, Sept. 18, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MDBriefCase Group Inc. (“MDBC” or the “Company”), a global leader in e-learning products and services that aims to accelerate better decision-making in healthcare, announced collaborations with two expert advisors, Dr. David Strain, Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Exeter (London, UK), and Dr. Mohamed Farghaly, Associate Professor at Dubai Medical College (Dubai, UAE). These collaborations will continue to support MDBC’s foothold as one of the foremost online, continuing professional development providers across Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Europe and the Middle East.

These exciting new collaborations come at a transformational time in the Company’s history as a global leader in online medical education, as they coincide with the launch of MDBC’s enhanced digital presence including a new learning platform that applies cutting-edge instructional design to all of MDBC’s global products and services.

“The opportunity to work with Drs. Strain and Farghaly as expert advisors to the Company provides MDBriefCase with access to highly-respected thought leaders with deep clinical and industry insights,” says Jason Flowerday, CEO of MDBC. “Our entry, and the acceleration of MDBC’s world-class online medical education, into the UK, Europe and the Middle East is an organizational priority that will be significantly enhanced by collaborations with these renowned experts. The timely launch of our transformational digital learning platform with its enhanced products and services further supports the Company’s priority to surpass the needs of our members and sponsors.”

For more information on MDBriefCase Group Inc., please visit www.mdbriefcase.com.

About Dr. David Strain

Dr. David Strain, MB, ChB, BSc (Hons) MD, FRCP is the clinical lead in the  Diabetes and Vascular Research Centre, University of Exeter Medical School in the UK, as well as the academic lead in the Department of Healthcare for older people at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital and chairs the British Medical Association’s Academic Staff Committee. He has an ongoing focus on ensuring the right patient receives the right medication. This includes projects exploring the mechanisms of benefit of different agents for the treatment of diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease. He has performed some of the health economic analyses that have informed NICE guidelines and contributed to the parliamentary review of how medicines are reviewed and commissioned in the National Health Service.

He was lead author on the UK guidance for the assessment and management of older adults with diabetes and frailty, that has recently led to a change in the primary care contract in the UK, and senior author on the UK position statement for the management of cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes. He is currently developing the tools for risk assessment and prognosis after stroke. Clinically, he runs a community clinic for older adults with diabetes and vascular disease and works in one of the largest hyperacute stroke units in the UK.

About Dr. Mohamed Farghaly

Dr. Mohamed Farghaly, FRCGP(UK), MRCGP, DMSc (UK), DIH(Ireland), MBCHB (ALEX) is an Associate Professor at Dubai Medical College, Consultant at Dubai Health Insurance Corporation (DHIC) , Head of the Insurance Medical Regulation and a Tutor at Cardiff University, UK.  Dr. Farghaly is also the Head of Scientific Committee FM(EMS), member of UAE National Diabetes Technical Committee, member of UAE National Diabetes Guideline Committee, member of UAE National Cancer and HCV committees,  Member of DHA Diabetic Board, accredited trainer in Family Medicine by the Royal College of General Practitioners in the United Kingdom, and accredited examiner for MRCGP (INT) WONCA EMR General Secretary.

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Submission Agreement

Thank you for your interest in writing an article for the MDBriefCase Healthcare Leadership Academy website.

Audience and Appropriate Topics

The  Healthcare Leadership Academy welcomes submissions on all topics relevant to leaders in healthcare. Our topics include Leading in Healthcare, Leadership Lessons from COVID-19 and others. We prioritize stories that provide leadership advice to executives and managers in healthcare companies, offer actionable strategies for executing successful projects, and provide interesting angles on current healthcare topics. Submissions must be original work of the authors and unpublished.  When submitting, authors represent that they have included no material that is in violation of the rights of any other person or entity.


Articles must be educational and non-promotional. If they mention the author’s company or any of the company’s products or services by name within the text, such mention should be very limited and used for reference only, not for promotion. (For example, an author might cite a survey conducted by his company but not describe his company’s product as a solution to a business problem.) Articles will be edited for clarity, style and brevity. The final headline is determined by the editor.

Length of Submissions

Guest articles for the MDBriefCase Healthcare Leadership Academy may run between 500 and 1000 words. 


MDBriefCase reserves the right to accept or reject any submission  and the right to condition acceptance upon revision of material to conform to its criteria.   

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