
MDBriefCase Launches ‘HTA: The Application of Health Economics’ to Advance Health Economic Evaluation in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – [September 9, 2024] – MDBriefCase, a leading provider of interactive accredited continuing medical education for healthcare professionals worldwide, is pleased to announce the launch of its innovative educational program, HTA: The Application of Health Economics – KSA 2024-2025. The program aims to drive change and evolution in health economic evaluation throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and enable healthcare professionals to identify, measure, value, and compare the costs and consequences of different public health interventions.

HTA: The Application of Health Economics is a comprehensive program that includes a mix of in-person and virtual workshops and mentorship opportunities. Given the increasing burden of diseases, the complexity of health technology, and progressive inflation in healthcare, this program addresses the critical need for high-quality patient care while maintaining budgetary control.

Professor David Strain, HTA program faculty member said, “At a time when the complexity of health technology and the financial pressures on healthcare systems are at an all-time high, this program is invaluable in enabling healthcare practitioners to make informed, cost-effective decisions that enhance patient outcomes. I am thrilled to be a part of such a forward-thinking and impactful program.”

Prof. Ahmed Aljedai, Assistant Deputy Minister of Therapeutic Affairs for Support Services, Ministry of Health, said, “This comprehensive educational initiative addresses the critical need for informed decision-making in healthcare. By fostering a deeper understanding of value-based care, we can improve patient outcomes and ensure the sustainability of our healthcare system.”

By offering a flexible learning format, MDBriefCase ensures that participants in the HTA program will receive education tailored to the modern demands of healthcare. The program has limited enrollment and is by invitation only.

Participants in the HTA: The Application of Health Economic program will develop an awareness and understanding of the future direction of health economics in supporting sustainable healthcare delivery. They will also be equipped to adopt hands-on learning techniques through learn-engage, coach-refine, and empower-implement strategies.

The program launched on July 26th with the Steering Committee, during which key stakeholders identified and solidified the program’s objectives and its intended impact for the delegates and the region.


Partners and Endorsements

The program is supported by Exeter University, UK.


  • Prof. Ahmed Aljedai, Pharm.D, BCPS, FCCP, FAST, FASHP, Assistant Deputy Minister of Therapeutic Affairs for Support Services, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Dr. Hajer Al-Mudaiheem, Pharm.D, MSc, Clinical Pharmacy, Director of Drug Policy and Regulation at the Deputyship of Therapeutic Affairs, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

International Expert Moderator Faculty

  • Dr. Tomasz Kluszczynski, PhD
  • Dr. Mouna Jameleddine, PharmD, MSc

International Experts Faculty

  • Prof. David Strain, MB, ChB, BSc (Hons) MD, FRCP
  • Prof. Marc Evans, MB, Bch, FRCP (UK), MD (Wales)

For more information and to learn about sponsorship opportunities, contact Mohammed Rish, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, MDBriefCase at maburish@mdbriefcase.com or Janet Kimura, Managing Director & EVP, Clinical Content and Education, Think Research at janet.kimura@mdbriefcase.com


About MDBriefCase 

MDBriefCase provides accredited continuing medical education for healthcare professionals across the Middle East. Our mission is to deliver high-quality, accessible education that encourages evidence-based behavioural change and improved quality measures, patient care and treatment outcomes.


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